• MOST Popular products from INDIA
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MOST Popular products from INDIA

This WisFarm has ended on Apr 24, 2024 .
  • Affiliate Reward

    5% of Sales (Qmoney)
  • Goal

  • Q*coin Raised

    100% Supporters
  • Subscription Period

    Jan 26, 24 ~ Feb 24, 24
  • Project Sale Period

    Jan 26, 24 ~ Apr 24, 24
  • Rewards Progress

    2.31% Earned Reward Target : 5%
  • Reward Payout

    20th of Every Month

    * Supporters receive 5% of WisFarm products sales as only Qoo10.com Q-money on the 20th of the next month.

Discover high-value Indian products all in one place! From products enjoying steady popularity through word of mouth to emerging items in various categories such as food, fashion, beauty, electronics, and more.
Project Owner
Go to Sellershop
Qxpress_India Rating: 90point
  • India India
  • 2,755 items

Why India?
India, a country with a population of 1.4 billion, is the 8th largest e-commerce market in the world with a market value of about US$ 55 billion as of 2021 and is expected to multiply every year to US$181.2 billion by 2026.
In addition, due to increased online shopping due to Covid19 and increased smartphone usage among young people in their 20s and 30s, the e-commerce market in India is explosively growing.
In line with this, QTrading India, the owner of Wisfarm, is approaching a product loved by Indian customers.
WisFarm Owner
QTrading India is a venture company that identifies the needs of 1.4 billion Indian customers and introduces products that consumers are passionate about.
This Wisfarm, we'd like to introduce various Indian products with high-value!
Through the Wishfarm project, we will expand our business in India faster with your support and share the profits with you.
QTrading India's sales channels include Qoo10, Amazon.in, Flipkart, Udaan, Ajio, and Shopclues in India and other sites in Korea.

Popular Products from India
Discover high-value Indian products all in one place
From products enjoying steady popularity through word of mouth to emerging items in various categories such as food, fashion, beauty, electronics, and more. Experience a wide range of Indian products that offer great value for your money.

WisFarm Target
Sales Target : US$360,000
(Based on achieving 100% target QCoin)

Early termination notice
The Wisfarm project may end early when 100% of the supporter's target reward is reached.
My Affiliate Reward
(5% of WisFarm Product Sales) X {(Q*coin planted by me) ÷ (All Q*Coin planted in WisFarm)} X {(Q*coin Raised) ÷ (Q*Coin Goal)}
* Supporters will receive the affiliate reward of the fully subscribed WF as Q-money which cannot withdraw at Qoo10.com on the 20th of the month following sales.
Min. Q*coin For Subscription∯ 100
* If you do not have enough Q*coin, you can subscribe after purchase.
Buy Q*coin
Q*coin Return DateApr 25, 2024
* Supported Q*coin is earmarked in your wallet and cannot be used before return date.
* Q*coin will be un-earmarked as it is on return date.