WisFarm Guide

Subscribe to a WisFarm project with your Qcoins & Be rewarded!

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    the projects.
  • Support your favorite
    project with Qcoins.
  • Let your rewards grow.
    100% of the Qcoins will be returned after project ends!
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What is WisFarm?

Win-win project by Qoo10 - Sellers(Farmers) get support for their sales activity, and customers(Supporters) participate the project with Q*coin and receive WF affiliate reward.

Q: What's the merit of WisFarm?

Do you have spare Qcoins in your wallet but no shopping plans yet? Why not subscribe to a WisFarm project of your choice with your Qcoins to receive bonus rewards?
You will receive rewards in Qmoney (according to sales performance), on top of your planted Q*coins (full quantity) when the project ends.

Q: How can supporters boost their own Wisfarms?

Once a Wisfarm achieves 100% support and sales commences, share the amazing deals with your family, friends and colleagues.
When more are sold, your reward gets bigger!

Q: When and how are supporters rewarded?

Supporters will receive rewards as Qoo10.com Qmoney, credited into your Qoo10 account every 20th of the following sales month.

WisFarm gathering Q*coins does not give reward before 100% Q*coin goal is achieved. The reward generated before full subscription is given on first 20th after the gathering is completed. Rewards will be automatically calculated and displayed on your Wisfarm subscription page.
(Sales reward amount of previous month) × {(Q*coins planted by you) ÷ (Total Q*coins planted in the project)} x {(Q*coin Raised) ÷ (Q*Coin Goal)}
* If WisFarm is discontinued, supporters can receive only 50% of the reward.

This is the real case of running WisFarm.

You can use Qmoney to shop at Qoo10 or buy more Q*coins.

Q: Where can I check the sales performance?

When items are sold, our logistics partner, Qxpress tracks all deliveries and the sales performance is updated daily on the WisFarm subscription page.
Sales may include not only from Qoo10, but also from other major platforms.
You may access the report from My Support

Q: What happens to the Q*coins I planted?

Regardless of sales outcome, Q*coins you have planted will go back to your wallet after the sales period ends. WisFarm projects that have achieved a return of 100% or more may be closed early.

Q: Where can I get Q*coins to participate?

WEF April 2022, only existing Q*coin holders can top up more, with a cap. Look out for our limited period DISCOUNTS HERE
If you are feeling lucky, simply head on to our Q-lounge to win some or exchange with your MameQs.
Besides participating in WisFarm Projects, Q*coins can also be used to purchase your favorite items in all of Qoo10 network (Qoo10 and Quube sites).

Q: I need Q*coin to buy something now. What should I do?

Q*coins planted in WisFarms cannot be refunded or used before the project ends. If WisFarm ends before sales end date due to high sales progress, you can get back Q*coin ealier.